Answering Stupid Qs, Not! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Answering Stupid Qs, Not!

Some of you may think this is not a big deal but I beg to differ.

There are people who, as soon as they see me online on the messenger in the morning, will ask me, "Just woke up ar?"

Come on! Is there any rule which says that we MUST go online as soon as we are awake? Here I am, not getting enough sleep every night and these buggers think that I have the luxury to sleep until noon. You say stim or not?

And then, some on the other hand, will ask, "So free to online ah?"

Stupid dumbo! The fact that I am online means that I have work to do on the computer which equals to "I am NOT free!" I do not have the luxury to surf aimlessly and neither do I have the mood to entertain their endless questions of "Just woke up ar?" and "So free to online ah?"

It is OK if I am asked these Qs once, and I give an explanation ala the above, but definitely NOT OK when the same people ask me the same stupid questions time and again.

And then there's a champion who, upon seeing that my share has no activity, emails me, "Eeehh why your share no trading wan? Share on holiday ar? Delisted oredi ar?"

FFFfffff lah! He knows how shares work or not???

He thinks it's fun to hold shares that are always untraded ar, sumore wanna rub salt into the wound.

Why make me waste time even to reply his email or SMS? If I didn't ask him NOT to call me, he would have dialed my number oredi.



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