What to do ah??? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, December 15, 2006

What to do ah???

I've got a problem.

Last month, a buddy asked me to buy something on his behalf, so I did.

Then later, I asked him for the money. It's less than MYR20 only so I was not chasing for it. Then last week, again, I hinted that I have not received the money, but he said he paid me back already, and I went, "No la, that's for another item. For this item not yet."

He said, "Oh yeah ah? I pay you now."

So I felt very odd and tried to recall last month's events and realised that he did indeed pay me back a few days after I bought the item for him.

Now I feel so bad for having received the money twice.

I don't even know if I should tell him my mistake or not, or just keep quiet. I thought I'd keep quiet and just treat him to a meal next time or buy him a gift but he has taken a two year hiatus to go backpacking so it'll be a long while before I see him again.

By the time I see him, I'd have forgotten about the money again!

I can't even bank in the money into his local bank account cos I don't have his account number and if I tell him that I want to return the money to him, he sure will ask me to keep it. But I don't want to take people's money like this. Aiya... very rice. Don't know how to solve this. I've got the email drafted but do I send it out or not?


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