Shut Your Mouth | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Shut Your Mouth

I recently wrote about a company, which has a website that I am a member of. In my article, I wrote that another company has better benefits and although I am a registered member, I am not active in there. I am just dormant.

This morning, I coincidentally received an email from them with the subject title: Shut Your Mouth.

Eh, I was taken aback! How did they know of my article when I did not even mention the company's name or link their website to any part of my article? You can image my surprise and my heart skipped a beat. I am a peace lover and hate confrontations.

So, I rubbed my eyes a bit and saw that the actual title is "Shut Your MONTH"... aiya I gave myself a fright. Mouth and Month only has a one-letter difference and my, are the meanings used in this context so different!


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