Shitting All Over The Internet | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Shitting All Over The Internet

Recently, I contemplated moving the contents of this blog to a new paid host because I feel that my readers are overwhelmed by the sponsored posts. Heck, even I myself am overwhelmed, but it's actually only two posts a day, you know?

I thought that I could publish the same post in two blogs. One here, to satisfy the advertisers, since this is an approved blog, and one over at my new blog, which will not have sponsored posts.

But then I was told that I can't do that or my blogs will be penalised by search engines. Well, I don't know what that will mean, maybe when people search for fried sperm, my blog will be displayed in the last page of Google or something.

And I don't want to stop publishing here and leave my blog all over the internet, it's akin to shitting all over the place. And I spent two whole days looking for and perfecting this template!

Anyway, I am thinking to move all my old contents over to my new blog and keep them as drafts, and publish new content there, separated from what I publish here.

I don't know if I can keep up with this, especially with setting up a Word Press powered blog which I have no freaking knowledge of. I don't even have the time to go researching on the net, asking people or going by trial and error.

I wish there's someone to do the dirty work for me and do it the way I like it to be. I just want to blog like how I'm doing now.

So, setting up a new blog will take some time. I'm like a fish out of water. Bah!


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