Crack Down On Loan Sharks. Finally? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, December 18, 2006

Crack Down On Loan Sharks. Finally?

It's in the news today that the police are going to start cracking down on loan sharks now that the deadline to register mobile phone users has ended.

I'm not going to give a link to the news report as it will be a dead link after thirty days anyway.

So, the first paragraph implies that the police were not effective in nabbing loan sharks as they were using prepaid lines. But actually there are gadgets that can tap the signal of mobile phones.

Whatever the case, hopefully this time they will really do what they say they'll do. We do not need case after case of suicide due to harassment from loan sharks and what not.

The pressure must have been overwhelming for someone to make a decision to take his own life despite knowing it does not solve a thing.

** This post was written in memory of the
Reverand. Christmas will not be the same without him.


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