And I Thought Weekends Were For Resting | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

And I Thought Weekends Were For Resting

I envy people who get to sleep in every Saturday and Sunday morning. These are also the people who get to stay out late partying and socialising or joyriding every Friday and Saturday nights. These are the people who have not a worry at all.

Me, I bust my butt every single day of the week and work my fingers to the bone. As mentioned, I have a lot of catching up to do and that's what I've been trying to do in the past two years.

Only problem is that I'm so wrapped up in my own world slogging ahead, I've kinda neglected some important people yet I don't feel like I have to proof to people what I am about and it's a chore to keep explaining myself.

Sometimes I get stupid questions like this, "Why did you go to bed at 5am? You promised that you'd be in bed by 1am!"

That pisses me off. Yeah, so I did, but so what? If I could, I would have been in bed by midnight, even 10pm, happy? Who the hell does he think he is to question me like that? I don't see him helping me with my work and lessen my duties so that I can even be in bed by 9pm. For goodness sake, I'm single and my time is my own. Or it should be!

Related post:
7-Day Work Week


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