Raw Pain | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, October 27, 2006

Raw Pain

When there's no time to write an intelligent post, just copy and paste a poetry lor
Why can’t you see
This pain is slowly killing me?
Love can make hearts go mushy,
But wounds are raw like sushi.

Remember the times we shared?
Living on the edge, we dared.
But…you took away happiness,
You’ve no more gentleness.

My world’s pitch black,
I’ve seen too late you’re a cad.
Look what you’ve done to me.
I hate it when on me you pee!

Save me from the pain.
It’s driving me insane!
After all that’s said,
I wish you were dead!
Note: This piece was written by yours truly more than five years ago.


_butt said...

Wow. Nice one. Somehow it reminds me of The Grudge haha! Kidding. :D

Em said...

Thanks for your appreciation of my poetry hehehe

Too bad I haven't watch "The Grudge" yet. I have the 1st movie but don't have the 2006 sequel leh.

_butt said...

I haven't watch it too.. heheh

Em said...

I just watched "The Grudge". It's creepy ler.

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