Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, Everyone! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, October 06, 2006

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, Everyone!

Finally, it's mid-autumn festival today. Should have been a month ago, if not for the double seventh-month. It has been so long ago since we finished eating all the mooncakes, pomelos and groundnuts we received from friends and relatives this year.

Having relatives in the restaurant business help alot in getting free mooncakes

Spent the past week just eating and eating and sitting around until my bum also looks round round like the pomelo :S

Chinese has this super dumb tradition of giving "buah tangan" to friends, relatives and acquantainces during such festivities and the other party reciprocate with almost similar stuffs and some will recycle their "buah tangan" as well, by giving out what they received to another person, instead of buying new ones, which is truth be told, a waste of hard-earned money.

I remember when I was a kid, we used to buy lanterns to play, and we had to light candles inside the lantern. I understand that now they use battery operated light bulbs or something safe.

Anyway, back in the old days, my parents had to buy us MANY lanterns each mid-autumn festival, because we kept burning them, unintentionally, of course, and then our lanterns will have a large black hole right in the middle of the lantern, even before the 15th day of the 8th lunar month!

And my lantern was always the rabbit (or hare). I remember there weren't much choices. It was either the hare or the rooster, and the rooster is so fugly lah.

Now, they come in the shapes of ultraman, pokemon and what-not. Maybe we'll even have Lara the Tomb Raider or Catwoman soon.

I miss playing with lanterns :-/


_butt said...

haha! mine was a butterfly!! i think. but rooster seems to be everyone's favourite at tht time eh.

i liked the paper lanterns.. colorful and pretty.. the battery-operated ones tak syiok ah.. kids nowadays missed a lot of 'real' fun.. :P

happy mid autumn festival!!

Em said...

Oh yea, how could I forget the butterfly? damnnn

Those days, lanterns were made of the type of coloured paper (now people still use to wrap hampers) and I always look forward to take apart the lanterns so that I can make "rose-coloured sunglasses".

Happy mid-autumn festival to you, too, _butt!

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