Gangsterism in Malaysian Blogosphere | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Gangsterism in Malaysian Blogosphere

You think only Malaysian schools are affected by this? Even in Malaysian blogsphere, people bully each other. They step on each other's toes (or tails, meowwwwww), pick fights, back stab, gossip, complain about this and that among so-called elites (while I do not recognise this word, I'm using it for want of a better word) about so-and-so, bla bla bla the list goes on.

One wonders how come these people are soooo free to go around busy-bodying. People call them "mo liu", which means, "have nothing better to do." Or to be crude, "Waiting to defecate after a meal".

So, how to fend off these bullies?

Just create a list of Friends' Blogs and link up to Malaysian Blogosphere tai kor(s) (e.g. Kenny Sia) and tai kar che(s) (e.g. ChanLilian), as many heavyweights as possible.

In Friends' list, ok? Blogrolling just doesn't have the same effect.

Or you can hire bodyguards. Maybe someone large in size can frighten off these bullies, e.g. Fat4, or a martial arts exponent, e.g. Shaolin Tiger GGGrrr

One would need bodyguards as these bullies sometimes come to your domain and steal your stuff and use it like it's their own. Very convenient indeed, very good fit, hor?

Sometimes there are gang fights when these leaders try to expand their territory. And their underlings will also be deeply involved, rooting for their leader.

All these are done with words, of course. After all, the pen keyboard is mightier than the sword.

Just because people are separated by screens, doesn't mean they are not human and have no feelings or emotions. The problem with blogging is that people are too free to voice out, without sieving their words. It's like the floodgates are suddenly opened. The Chinese call this, "Speaking without passing through the big brain."

A word of advice from mini me, go get a life and don't be too wrapped up in blogging. Fighting online is definitely not worthy of your time.


_butt said...

I'd always believe in this Abraham Lincoln saying:

"Nearly all men can stand the test of adversity, but if you really want to test a man's character, give him power."

In this case, the power of blogging.. *shrugs*

Em said...

Hehehe it's true. And this so-called "power", whatever level it is at, is usually abused. Too bad.

_butt said...

Yalo.. sumore I think it's this kinda attitude that might make the authority changed their minds about the regulation concerning blogging.. sigh.. I gota be careful also not to step on anybody's tails.. hahaha

People too free to blog? That explains the current economy in our beloved Boleh land!LOL

Em said...

Almost everyone's using work hours to blog and surf the net instead of really working. Wasting resources. LOL

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