Was Emily Rose Epileptic or Psychotic? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, September 29, 2006

Was Emily Rose Epileptic or Psychotic?

Image courtesy of Sony Pictures

I got the movie, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, way back in May, 2006 upon the recommendation of a friend, someone who watches two movies almost every work day when he commutes to and from office, so his knowledge is pretty extensive.

Anyway, I got it but I kept it at the bottom of the movie pile, because I read some reviews on the net mentioning that it is a "courtroom drama" while some said it's a horror movie. While I like horror, I don't enjoy courtroom dramas so I kept watching Korean movies, much to my regret hahaha

I finally decided to watch it last night and was thoroughly entertained for the two whole hours. I practically had goosebumps all over me for that length of time too! It was a very eerie movie, very believable.

Coming from my shitty background where I was exposed to the dark forces from a young age, I can relate very well to Emily Rose's episodes of demonic possession. It's really unfortunate that one person has to suffer so much at the will of demons while many of us go about life happily not knowing the existence of evil spirits.

I personally have met with many such victims through the years; in my quest for answers and personal research and these people definitely are neither epileptic nor psychotic, as perceived by the doctors who attended to Emily Rose.

Science (and medicine) are all based on cold, hard facts; there's no room for aesthetics, but that does not mean that someone who believes in something outside the borders of science is cuckoo in the head. It's only that the supernatural world cannot be seen with the naked eye, but requires the *gift* of a third eye.

The Exorcism of Emily Rose is based on a true story and it is unfortunate that Father Richard Moore was found guilty of criminal negligence. In my humble opinion, his only "crime" was not being powerful enough to overcome the six demonic beings that had taken control of Emily Rose's body.

Just like how one will always remember the touch of an angel, one will never be the same person again after being touched by evilness.

Related post:
I Felt a Presence ....


_butt said...

I watched it too.. *shudders* One of the questions that keeps popping up in my head after watching it was why.. why of all innocent people like Emily in this world, has to be the 'chosen' one to get 'punished'.

From viewer's perspective, we see these evil things lurking around and was convinced that Emily is indeed possessed and she needed to get 'out'. Skepticals would dismissed it as 'imagination', but I beg to differ and agree with you. People just have to have explanation for everything, making thousand assumptions like what happened to Da Vinci's Code..

And I think, demons, just like God is still questionable under science. There's no prove to their existence, and yet we believe in it. Because not everything has to be on factual basis, anyway.

I felt bad for Emily, that I cried.. the 'pain' is just too much for someone to bear, or maybe I'm just being overly emotional la.. :P

Hats off to Jennifer Carpenter. She's a great talent!

So you can 'feel' the presence? Creepy.. my friend once told me that whenever we come back home late, we have to turn our body sideways (like crab) and walk through the door. That way, spirits can't follow us back into our house.. or something like that. I keep reminding myself to do it but somehow I always forgot!

Ooops.. a long dragging comment. Hope you don't mind.


Em said...

hi _butt,

Thanks for the lengthy comment. Appreciate it.

I agree Jennifer Carpernter's acting was excellent. Westerners are not that pantang when it comes to such issues but even then, I read that weird things happened during filming of The Omen and also to the cast & crew.

It's the first time I hear about walking like a crab when entering the house late at night.

But I know, for Indians, they have to wash their feet before entering the house if they come home late.

Won't they get "foong sup"? LOL

Anonymous said...

nice post!

i like horror as well as court room . so, watching emily rose was killing 2 birds with one stone.

the movie was throughly entertaining and convincing for someone who has always believed in existence of spirit.

Em said...

hi Kris,

Yes, this is one of the very rare movies that will stick in my head forever.

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