It's a Sick House | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, August 21, 2006

It's a Sick House

Sing to the tune of "She's a Brick House".

For the past few months, people and animals in my house have fallen ill one after another. Must be the virus circulating everywhere or is it bad chi?

Thought I could sleep in this morning (cos I've got MC :p) but a wanker** called me at 7.30am.

Phone rings....

Me: Hello?
Wanker: Whacha doing?
Me: Sleeping lah.
Wanker: I thought you wake up at 7am every day?
Me: Sick mah.
Wanker: Why you always sick one?
Me: Stress mah. Monkey sick, I sick lah.
Wanker: Which monkey?
Me: Fat one loh.
Wanker: He's always sick.
Me: You just came home ar?
Wanker: No la. Didn't go out last night.
Me: What you want so early?
Wanker: Can you help me to do .........................
Me: Call me so early just to help you to do things?
Wanker: I'm coming to your town soon.
Me: You want red carpet welcome ar?
Wanker: No la. Are you going back to bed now?
Me: How? Already wide awake lor.

TOOOOTTTT I put the call down. GGGrrrrrrr Geram!

**Wanker here is pet name.


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