This Is Not For The Faint Hearted | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, July 08, 2006

This Is Not For The Faint Hearted

I thought I've seen some of the grossest things in life already but I was in for a surprise last evening.

Last evening, I urgently called up my regular vet asking for some medicine for my sick pet, so she asked me to be at her clinic at 8pm, since she'll be there. Normal consultation was until 7pm only.

Anyway, when I reached there, she also just arrived and another family was hurrying into the clinic as well.

To cut the long story short, that family brought in a toy dog, dunno what breed - those with goldfish eyes, with one of its eyeballs dangling out from the socket. This toy dog was bitten by the neighbour's larger dog!

Oh my God, can you imagine the gruesomeness of that sight? I nearly passed out there and then. Here, I myself was worried sick about my own pet and I had to run right smack into such a scenario. What ass luck!

So I also had to wait along with the family, while the vet tried to place the eyeball into the socket again.

According to the vet, the eyeball was already damaged but to place it into the socket is better than having a empty hollow socket, where the eye should have been. Aiyohhh there went my dinner.

Then the family left, since they couldn't do much else for the dog. And it was my turn to discuss with the vet about my pet's condition. She told me to enter the treatment room to discuss while she proceeded to sew up the eye into the eye socket!!! I did not enquire if she was doing micro surgery.

Oh God, I'll NEVER EVER forget that reddish sightless eyeball!


Tan Yee Wei said...

Urgh... no pics? :P

My dog used to be blind in one eye too- got hit by a car. But it did dislodge like the cae you described. It remained normal looking till it's death years later.

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