Stupid Yahoo Scares Me :- / | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, July 14, 2006

Stupid Yahoo Scares Me :- /

It's bad enough that of all the e-mail accounts I have, Yahoo invites the most spam. Don't ask why, I know not too. It's not that I'm afraid of spam or anything, after all, its Spam Blocker is quite effective, I must admit.

The scary thing is that every time I do a search on the net regarding a specific item, I get a deluge of spam mail on similar products too. For example, if I do a search on Olympus 8080 Wide Zoom, I'd get quite a few unsolicited e-mail on camera or photography. What is worse, some even address me by name!

A few months back, I received a link to a holiday photo album from a friend via Yahoo! Messenger, so I tried to view the photos but couldn't. After some time, I gave up and conveniently forgot about it.

Then one day I met this friend and I asked him, "Hey, what holiday photos you wanted to show me?" He was confused at first, but then casually told me that what I got was a virus.

And I was like, "WHAT????? Now only you tell me???"

My God, that was a lapse of dunno how many months already. Whatever harm it caused, it's too late to even try to rectify. I don't even have any idea if my account has been hacked and misused.

And then, just a few nights ago, I received yet another link to a photo album from another buddy via YM, and I stupidly once again entered my log-in ID & password. Geeee! I'm so dumb I could kick myself!!

Luckily, this time I realised it soon enough and quickly went to change my password.

If Yahoo! Mail wasn't my first e-mail account, I would have deregistered it pronto. But the hassle of informing all my contacts of my new e-mail address and migrating old e-mail! *gasp*

I can't just delete my old e-mail, after all. I'm a sentimental person *sigh*


rainbow angeles said...

Recently I had a few weird experiences whereby my Yahoo's password was changed! And I wasn't the one who changed it! Very scary indeed...

Oh, BTW, tag is done ;)

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