My Name is NOT Hung Mo Tan | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, July 22, 2006

My Name is NOT Hung Mo Tan

A reader asked me if my name is Hung Mo Tan. No, it's not, unfortunately. It does sound nice, doesn't it? If I marry Mr. Hung, then I might name my child Hung Mo Tan. hehehe

Actually, Hung Mo Tan is my location. Hung Mo Tan, for the benefit of the non-Cantonese speaking community, means Rambutan.

And how can my location be Rambutan? Well, Rambutan is short for Tanjung Rambutan, which is a town off Ipoh, in Perak.

I don't deny that this is fictitious information. But why Tanjung Rambutan of all places? Well, that's because there's a mental hospital in Tanjung Rambutan and it's called Hospital Bahagia (Happy Hospital). Its former name, during British Colonial days, was Central Mental Hospital.

It's a long running joke between my friends and I that I'm an inmate of the mental hospital. Yes, I'm THAT cuckoo, so beware! And if you read the description I wrote on myself in my Blogger profile, I did warn you about me being a lil' *points forefinger at head making circular motions* and to read my blog not only with a pinch of salt but also with a dash of pepper and chilli sauce.

Know what I'm saying? -.-"


rainbow angeles said...

In the beginning, I did the same "mistake", thot that u were Ms. Hung Mo Tan *LOL*
And then I read again... ohhh, location is HMT...

ps: I'm still reading ya'...

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