I-Am-Appalled! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, June 30, 2006


Todays' news report nearly made me vomit. For the life of me, I cannot comprehend how people can cold-bloodedly kill 13 dogs!

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I am not saying that the owners are not guilty and I'm not saying that they are not the root of this problem. Rearing 25 dogs confined to a small terrace house is definitely not the way to show love to the canines.

However, this random shooting is NOT the way to solve the problem. I FEEL for the owners, for the dogs. I'm sure anyone with a drop of compassion in them would have shed a tear or two, what more me an animal lover.

This is madness. This is simple barbaric. No wonder Malaysia still can't eleviate to First World status with this kind of mentality.


eiChi said...

i read the news today too, n felt the same way. those people r really so sickening. if they got the time, y dont go n kill 13 bad ass instead of 13 innocent dogs? > . <

_butt said...

It's a sad sad situation.. *sigh*

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