How To Get Back My $$$?? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, June 19, 2006

How To Get Back My $$$??

I have this problem here that has been bugging me for some time.

Over the past two and a half years, I loaned my friend some money (three times totalling MYR2K). He was financially tight and then he was jobless for 8 long months, so I helped him all I could.

I found him his current job, and I think it's a good paying job (MYR8K per month), but he still says it's not enough since he has to service his car instalment, room rental, loans (but not mine) plus the high cost of living in KL, etc.

Well, who will ever have enough money, right?

Now, the question is, how do I ask back my money, as I know I'll be needing it in about three months' time. Initially, I told him that he can take his time in repayment, AS LONG AS I DON'T HAVE USE OF IT YET.

Don't you think 2.5 years is too a long time to repay a small loan like MYR2K? It's not that I regret giving him the loan, and if I myself is not desperate for money, I wouldn't even bother to ask back but I think I have given him ample time to stand back on his feet, after all, it's been six months since he started working again.

He told me that as soon as he secured this job, his creditors were all chasing back their money. I don't want to be clumped into that group of creditors, since I am a friend, first and foremost and he has helped me before, in some other ways.

Shall I ask now and give him some time to save up money, or do I ask only when I really need the money?

Haiihh I really don't like to do this and wish there's someone who can help me to approach him, but I can't since we're keeping this arrangement between ourself only.

Oh, whattodo, whattodo???


Bankman said...

This person ain't your real friend. It looks like he's doing everything possible to avoid paying you back. Be more assertive dude.

CS LEE said...

nabeh, 8k salary and still dont want to pay you back? i think you better talk to him, ask him to pay you back in 3 times. if you are too soft and keep waiting, he will climb up to your head and pusing you! maizbai, 8k salary and still dont want to payback! dont you feel sad when he refuse to pay you ? try to imagine if you need money, will he be the first one stand up to offer help ?

i think he will be the first one who run away from you!

so collect money from him tomorrow! dont wait!!

me and bankman will wait for your good news!

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