Pressure From Society Never Ends | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Pressure From Society Never Ends

You must be a flower that attracts a lot of bees. How come you don't have a bee by your side now ar?
You are too choosy lah!
Your requirements are too high lah!
I recently read a blog entry by a female blogger who is unattached (I have forgetten who), and I can completely sympathise with her.

The above quotes are just some of the stuff I put up with almost on a daily basis. Ya, I know these friends have good intentions but why treat single people like we have a contagious disease, like we are yesterday's garbage?

Just because a woman has hit a certain age, doesn't mean she MUST be in a relationship, MUST be married at X age, MUST have children by such a date, etc.

I've been warned not to turn into a "low ku por" (old spinster) and from "research" done by nothing-better-to-do friends, all "low ku pors" have something wrong in their head as time goes by, as they continue to remain single.

How true this is, I don't know but don't married people have their quirks too?

W00T, if you expect me to tie the knot with any ol' guy with a d!ck, just because society dictates, then sorry to disappoint you laaaa I'd rather marry myself.

I guess I should make Love's Not For Me as my excuse. And so I adopt this song by Graham Gouldman as my theme song.

Love's Not For Me - Graham Gouldman

I've always run away
From things that tie me down
My life I live
But love's not for me

I see my goal ahead
With nothing in the way
If love should come
Then I'll run away

I've always been the kind of man
Who's dedicated to his course
And it's a lonely road to run
But I'll stay faithful to my course
There's only one direction

There comes a time when you must choose
About the path you're gonna take
And you must take it win or lose
And if you lose it's your mistake
There's only one direction

So when the race is won
And there's nothing left to do
Alone again but where are you
Alone again but where are you
My guy friends who are still single also always kena.... for them, if they are single for too long, their sexuality will always come into question.

Pressure from society will never end. We have more than enough problems to face than to answer to all these stupid questions of why we are still, buzzzzzz offfffffff.

Thank you very much!


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