Of Body Language and Face Reading | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Of Body Language and Face Reading

Recently, I had the opportunity to be acquainted with a young lady (mid-20s)... hhmm the thing is, I don't think she made any eye contact with me for the entire 2.5 hours we were together.

We talked and we joked and we laughed and yet no eye contact were made. Naturally, I felt uncomfortable, even weird.

By not making eye contact, coupled with something about her facial expression each time she talks, made me feel that I cannot trust her. I am interested and have explored the art of face reading before and it's not easy for me to ignore signs like these.

Well, not to say that we need to look into each other's eyes for long minutes like lovers but making eye contact is important as it projects our sincerity.

True enough, during the 2.5 hours, I discovered that she has previously told me a lie. It was just a white lie, but it made me wonder, why she needed to lie to me in the first place, because it was such a small matter.

There and then, I confronted her, "Hey, how come you told me such and such a thing last time...?" She had the audacity to deny outright. Is her memory that bad or is mine too good?

Anyway, someone like her can only make it as far as my "HELLO Friend" catergory, nothing more. Ya, rightttt, I catergorise people. Blehhhh

If we were guys, and if we get to shake hands, I bet her handshake would be limp. tsk tsk tsk *shake head*


Otto said...

Body language is an art unto itself! There are just so many clues that you can read about a person just based on how the person positions his/her body.

Eye contact sends subliminal messages and I guess you have cause for alarm if your friend does not even look you in the eye in the 2.5 hours you spent together.

Personally I love body language and use it to guide me in understanding a person. It also helped me present myself in a positive light, especially when I need to win someone's trust etc etc.

Good one here.

Em said...

Hi otto,

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

I've asked a mutual friend, a guy, about her, and he told me that this lady looked into his eye while talking.

Oh well, maybe he's a leng chai, or maybe I'm too ugly to look at hehehe

I do think that the arts of body language and face reading are an important part of our life, especially if we are in business.

I wonder if Business Schools teach these two subjects as well.

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