Mario Lanza, the Great Tenor | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mario Lanza, the Great Tenor

I was helping my father fill up the memory card of his mobile phone and one of the singers that he requested was Mario Lanza. My father and sister are great fans of Mario Lanza but because he died young, at the age of only 38, there are not many of his recordings around.

Whilst chatting with a friend by phone text, I told him that I am listening to a lot of old Mario Lanza tracks and he asked, "WHAT is that?" LOL What an insult to fans of Mario Lanza! So I shared some of Mario Lanza music with him and he said that he doesn't like that.

This friend listen to a lot of music and have a lot of friends in the music and entertainment industry locally and yet, he has never heard of Mario Lanza before. Mario is an inspiration to a lot of today's tenors, from Placido Domingo to Jose Carreras and Luciano Pavarotti. So for anyone who loves to listen to these singers, they really should go back to the "roots" so to say.


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