Hard Disk Failure | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hard Disk Failure

Time just slips by me, I never realize that it has been a week since I updated this blog. You know, no matter how busy I am, I try not to let my blog go without an update for longer than five days. I know there was a time when my blog was left idle for three long months but that was then. This is now.

Anyway, these couple of days, I have been busy fiddling with my computer. Finally, after all the troubleshooting, it is discovered that the hard disk has died. Well, what a surprise. I didn't expect it; thought it was just a corrupted Operating System, like previous times and only managed to back up my files in the C drive.

I have two partitions on my drive and the ones in my D drive, though already backed up, are not up to date but I don't think that there are any exceptionally important files in there except for one folder. I hope the computer repair technician would be able to salvage the files for me. If it couldn't be done, well, there's nothing I could do.

Anyway, I will not have the computer to use for a few days because when that comes back, we will be sending the other family computer for repairs as well as it has been tripping with blue screen for months and meanwhile, they would be using mine. SIGH!


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