Afternoon Naps | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Afternoon Naps

People who know me personally know that I would take an afternoon nap. It could be just 15 minutes or if I were lucky, longer than that. Some friends would tease me and call me a "pig" for sleeping so much. Well, it's not that much. It's just because I don't get a good night's rest! Have not gotten one for a long time now already! Yes, yes, I know it's bad for my health but I really couldn't help it.

Anyway, since Snoopy fell ill, I have not taken an afternoon nap. That's a record of 1+ month! See, I am not addicted to afternoon naps, I could do without afternoon naps if it's necessary and I definitely is not a pig!

I have often wondered if it's possible for me to lead a normal working life where I would be at the office working when I normally take naps in the afternoon. Guess I have my answer now!


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