Did you read about the 13-year old British boy who became a father last week after his 15-year-old girlfriend gave birth to a baby girl? Geee... I know that this is not the first pair of teenage parents but what has the world come to, with children giving birth to children?
I watched videos of this child couple and the boy actually looked like the big brother of the baby and the sad thing is that they have no idea the heavy responsibility that is ahead of them. The boy occasionally gets GBP10 from his dad while the girl lives off her mother and the family is on welfare.
I also read other news articles of teenage parents and there was this girl who gave birth to a boy when she was 15 years old. One would think that she would change her lifestyle already, right? But no! She’s now 17 and pregnant with triplets and yes, she is on welfare.
I can certainly understand how pissed off the British people are to see where their tax money has gone to!
I watched videos of this child couple and the boy actually looked like the big brother of the baby and the sad thing is that they have no idea the heavy responsibility that is ahead of them. The boy occasionally gets GBP10 from his dad while the girl lives off her mother and the family is on welfare.
I also read other news articles of teenage parents and there was this girl who gave birth to a boy when she was 15 years old. One would think that she would change her lifestyle already, right? But no! She’s now 17 and pregnant with triplets and yes, she is on welfare.
I can certainly understand how pissed off the British people are to see where their tax money has gone to!
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