Picking Up Cheap Stocks | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Picking Up Cheap Stocks

While some of us are worrying how we could put food on the table after being laid off or handed a pay cut, I have a friend who is picking up cheap stocks, commodities and investments. He is looking for long term investment and this minor downturn does not worry him at all.

My friend told me of the options express account that he has which he actually opened a couple of year ago but did not yet utilize because he said the timing wasn't right yet. He is so glad that he has it now that it looks like a golden opportunity to invest in options.

Well, I too wish that I could start picking up cheap stocks but I dare not break up my savings in case of an emergency which requires a lump sum of cash. Aih… if only I have more savings!


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