Rudeness | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, December 11, 2008


If you have been following my blog, you will know that I simply cannot tolerate people who are rude in the sense that they do not acknowledge your email or text messages, let alone say "thank you" when they are the ones that approached me for assistance first.

I am not saying that they must be ultra appreciative or whatever but even if our help is unhelpful, they should at least acknowledge it, right?

Well, lately, I found out that this ill manner afflicts many people I come across with regularly who are from all walks of life, even professionals or work in executive posts.

I wonder, if they acknowledged our mail or text message, does that mean that they are our "friend" already and no, they don't want to be on "friendship" level to us? This really got me thinking, why the silence?

My friend says that I am petty to keep harping on this and that there is a high possibility that these people did not receive our email or text message, but the problem is that I do ask them, as follow up, when I see these people and they then acknowledge that they did get the message.

Urghh it pisses me off, really. It reflects badly not on these people but on their parents, don't you think so?


Anonymous said...

so you ask us to vote for you, where is the personal thank you. Now that is really and insult and rude

Yours sincerely
Just joking

ps. Have a nice day ok

Em said...

LOL the "thank you" is mentioned in that post already "in advance". Takkan u want me to mention it in every single post hence forth?

For those who have voted, if they have left me a comment on that particular post, I would thank them personally.

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