Gem of Life Ep. 35 Is SOOOO Late! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gem of Life Ep. 35 Is SOOOO Late!

I can't help but rant a little again. The Gem of Life episode 35 was not released last evening as expected and it's almost midnight now and it is still not available yet. I don't know what happened, all I know is that I have been waiting for it since I finished watching The Gem of Life episode 34 on Sunday evening! That's like two days ago already. SO LONG ago!

Last night, I did not start Pages of Treasures episode 1. I now have episode two so I will most probably watch both consecutively. Last night, I was busy with wrapping up Spring Waltz; final three episodes last night. LOL!! Yay! I finally am done with all four parts of the Endless Love melodrama. Just a tip, episode 18 of Spring Waltz has plenty of scenes of Daniel Henney!!! Drool, man!

Now I am busy with the soundtrack of Spring Waltz. You know I must have them after watching each drama! LOL What more, there are plenty of piano pieces in Spring Waltz, after all, the main character is a classical pianist and if you are a fan of Korean dramas, you will know that Korean piano pieces are so very romantic!

Meanwhile, need to keep waiting for Gem of Life ep. 35. It will be interesting to see the progression of the romance between Constance and Terrance but I read that their love will only be open in Gem of Life ep. 36. Which means to say, MORE WAITING!!!!! Argh!!!


Anonymous said...

Wah, watching so many dramas at the same time. :)

Anonymous said...

Do you have ep 35 yet ?

Em said...

Dont have. That's why ranting. LOL

Anonymous said...

Gem of life episode 35

Link -

Enjoy ya ppl !!

Em said...

Thank you!

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