Naked Photos From Jusco Klang Reject Shop Changing Room | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Naked Photos From Jusco Klang Reject Shop Changing Room

My friend emailed me photos of naked girls purportedly taken by spy cameras in the changing room of Reject Shop in Jusco Klang. I have no idea if these photos were really taken by spy cameras, and if they were really taken at Reject Shop in Jusco Klang. I do not understand, though, why people would go totally naked when they are trying out clothes. Why do they have to take off their underwear if they are not trying out underwear?

I wonder how many people have seen these photos and I really pity these girls for being victims of spy cameras unknowingly. I also feel that people who forwarded emails like these are so bad... I know they are trying to create awareness but it is a wrong way to do so.

If you have not received it, then you need to enlarge your circle of friends. My friend told me that it has been circulating on the web for quite awhile. I didn't even know that. Anyway, I have already deleted my email. Why keep?


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