I was complaining to a friend that beginning this month, our electricity board has raised our residential electricity rate by 18%. That is a lot considering that the company is raking in profits year after year.
My friend, Lui, asked me to switch to another electricity company. Well, he is American and he does not know that we only have one electricity company and the business is monopolized. That's why they could raise the rate by 18% and we cannot do anything but settle the bill.
Lui told me that in Texas, there are three major electricity companies and he, living in Texas, could switch from one company to another without a problem if he is not satisfied with what he is getting.
I was a little curious because that is a new concept to me but I definitely like it that there are three companies, Cirro Energy, Gexa Energy and Green Mountain Energy fighting each other for customers, by offering better rates and services.
If I were living in Texas, I would be a tad confused on which company to go with. With choice comes decision and you know I am bad with that!
However, there is a website like Texas Electric Rate which allows residents in Texas to compare the rates of Cirro Energy, Gexa Energy and Green Mountain Energy easily. I am sure not all Texan would know this information off hand!
If you live in Texas right now, you may want to check out Texas Electric Rate. Are you with Cirro Energy, Gexa Energy or Green Mountain Energy? Are you getting the best electricity deal?
My friend, Lui, asked me to switch to another electricity company. Well, he is American and he does not know that we only have one electricity company and the business is monopolized. That's why they could raise the rate by 18% and we cannot do anything but settle the bill.
Lui told me that in Texas, there are three major electricity companies and he, living in Texas, could switch from one company to another without a problem if he is not satisfied with what he is getting.
I was a little curious because that is a new concept to me but I definitely like it that there are three companies, Cirro Energy, Gexa Energy and Green Mountain Energy fighting each other for customers, by offering better rates and services.
If I were living in Texas, I would be a tad confused on which company to go with. With choice comes decision and you know I am bad with that!
However, there is a website like Texas Electric Rate which allows residents in Texas to compare the rates of Cirro Energy, Gexa Energy and Green Mountain Energy easily. I am sure not all Texan would know this information off hand!
If you live in Texas right now, you may want to check out Texas Electric Rate. Are you with Cirro Energy, Gexa Energy or Green Mountain Energy? Are you getting the best electricity deal?
Just went to the website www.texaselectricrate.com.
Wow. there are a total of 3 electricity companies listed for Houston. If you go to www.powertochoose.org there 27. I know that the website is trying to point people to good companies and that's fair enough but...
The only one there I would recommend is Green Mountain because they are 100% GREEN.
I market for another company NOT on that list and we are the largest CREP (competitive retail electric provider)in Texas. What that basically means is my company is the largest besides the monopoly companies of old like Reliant.
My prices beat every single price from those 3 listed on that site. Shoot, Cirro Energy doesn't even offer a 100% renewable GREEN plan. In today's market that is just unacceptable when customers want to do more to reduce their carbon footprint.
With companies left and right going out of business (Riverway Power) it is essential to switch to a company that can survive harsh times and large price spikes.
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