How Long Can You Sustain Financially Without Working? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How Long Can You Sustain Financially Without Working?

Before the recent fuel price hike on 6th June, 2008, my friend told me that he could stop working and still sustain his current lifestyle for three years. Of course, he did not take into account inflation or the income derived from his future investments within these three years. What he did calculate are his savings and current revenue from whatever investments that he is holding.

Of course, this question is not applicable to people who are not earning a paycheck like homemakers but for people who have dependants to support, or those who support themselves fully, without financial assistance from parents or husband.

This friend is an exceptional case because he is the son of a factory owner here in Ipoh and their business dealings are all with foreign companies. While everyone is feeling the financial pinch since the fuel price hike of 40%, this is the only person who is unfazed by it all. I wanted to tease him that prior to the fuel price hike, he could live for three years without changing his lifestyle, now he only could sustain for two years but I can't because he is too solid financially. Bleh....

So have you thought about how long you could sustain your current lifestyle and at the same time supporting your dependants like you are going right now without going into debt, if your monthly pay cheque suddenly stops and you do not seek new employment?


molly said...

Just swing in from to say hello.
You have an interesting link. Wanna exchange link?

Em said...

Hi Molly,

Thanks for visiting. I have added you to my blogroll!

Anonymous said...

hmm.. this question is tough.. plus im not like those who already owned a lot in their account.. so for me.. should be 1-2 months.. thats a max already!

Em said...

Hi Huifen,

There was once a friend lost his job and it took him almost a YEAR to find another and that also I was the one who helped him with all the searching online on job boards and applying for him since he did not have internet access at home and did not want to waste too much money in cybercafes.

molly said...

Hi Thanks for linking me. Just forget about the email. Thanks again!

Em said...

Hi Molly,

No problem. Happy blogging!

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