Exciting Charity Fund Raising Ideas | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Exciting Charity Fund Raising Ideas

My cousin, who is in high school, asked me to help contribute charity fundraising ideas. He has been asked to raise funds in aid of the devastating earthquake in China and he has no idea how to go about it. Well, honestly, I have no idea on how to best raise funds in an engaging, fun way that everyone would want to participate in. I think that an exciting fund raising campaign would urge more people to contribute willingly to the cause.

I remember reading about a charity fund raising by a major local media using rubber ducks. Well, I don't really remember what that rubber duck race was for already since it was a long time ago but I still remember how exciting everyone was participating in the rubber duck race and what a successful fundraising campaign that was!

I am sure my cousin would have other school fundraising ideas as well but if I was the one to decide, I would surely go for the rubber duck race! It may not be original but it sure will be a memorable event for every student involved!

If you were asked to organize a fund raising event, how would you go about it?


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