The Case Of Jean & John Who Went To Korea | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Case Of Jean & John Who Went To Korea

Did you read the Singapore case about Jean and John [fake names, of course] going to Korea and Jean claims that John molested her while she was asleep while John took her invitation to Korea and the fact that they were sharing a bed and a hotel room as an invitation to "advance"?

This is a pretty complex situation as John had invested time, energy, attention, emotions and money on Jean for a few years. Jean said that she has no feelings for him at all. Yet I wonder why she invited him to Korea and even shared a bed with him.

Any girl would know that it would be inviting trouble, let alone being in a bedroom with someone whom you know have feelings for you that you are unwilling or unable to reciprocate.

Well, I personally feel that if all of that did happen, she's lucky she didn't end up being raped and that John took her rejection well. It amazes me that there are still people who think that they can have the cake and eat it all the time. Well, they are Singaporeans where everyone is afraid to be last so what could we expect, right?


Anonymous said...

that cheapslut should be caned on her lipa (major), down there...

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