Who Gives Two Hoots About Chad Allen? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Who Gives Two Hoots About Chad Allen?

Recently, an old school mate found me on FaceBook. Well, I am friends with her cousin, so I was not surprised that she found me. What surprised me was that she did not find me sooner.

She sent me a message asking me if I am so-and-so and if I was the girl who idolised Chad Allen. I replied and said that yes, I am so-and-so, but I did not, have never idolised Chad Allen at all.

But she kept insisting that I liked him, which I denied, of course. Who the heck is Chad Allen? Ya, I know that he's some sort of celebrity but I have no idea what movie he has acted in or what songs he sang.

So I said, maybe you have mistaken Chad Allen with Tommy Page. I admit, I was crazy about Tommy Page back then when we were in secondary school, but I was not alone, right?

And she said, ya, Tommy Page.... and CHAD ALLEN AS WELL! You say I was irritated or not?? I told her already, many times, I was not a fan of Chad Allen and don't even "know" him. But she kept on and on about me liking Chad Allen. Eh, if I liked him at all, does she think that I will forget about it?

What pissed me off was her persistence even when I pointed out that she must have mixed me up with another girl. "Was there any other Chads that you idolised?"



Raynebow said...

I can imagine how irritated you are...dunno why some ppl just won't give up,haha! Errr...so who daheck is Chad Allen??

Em said...


I have no idea and I am not going to Google him! LOL

Raynebow said...

Haiya...and I was thinking you'll be enlightening me on this so-important celebrity! Btw, I linked you :)

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