Where Got Logic Wan???? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Where Got Logic Wan????

I read that people who were caught in possession of the Chua Soi Lek sex DVD have been remanded by the police. Ha.... you tell me, got logic or not? Why don't they catch the producers, actor and actress and all who are directly involved in the making of the DVD?

When someone is caught with the DVD, when they are distributed freely and even dropped into the mailboxes of homes, which I read from the papers, then is that a crime? HHmmm it's as if people get hauled in for taking one of those flyers that are distributed at supermarkets. Don't you think that the logic here is skewed?

Let's say someone received an SMS, he doesn't have control over who sends him the SMS so why catch him, right? UNLESS he distributes it lah, betul tak???


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