So Modern!!!! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, December 22, 2007

So Modern!!!!

Last week, my sister finally sent me pictures of her new house. The delay was due to her digital camera breaking down and had to be sent in for repairs. It's finally back now and she managed to snap photos of her house from the garden to the interior to the kitchen and even bathroom. She has a mini chandelier in her bathroom! I asked her why did she get that and she said that she loves it so her boyfriend bought it for her. Awww so indulging!

In her entertainment room, I could not see her plasma TV which she said her boyfriend's father bought for her. Little did I know that it stays hidden and will only appear from an enclosure at the press of the button thanks to plasma lift.

My goodness, I was so impressed and here she tells me that Tennessee is so ulu!!! Yerrr bluff me wan!!!! I wonder if there is such a thing in Kuala Lumpur already!?!


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