Over-dosing On Korean Drama! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, December 24, 2007

Over-dosing On Korean Drama!

While others are happy holidaying, I am over-dosing on Korean dramas, watching four episodes nightly. Boy, I missed my daily dose of drama for so long, I had so much to catch up on!!!

My current drama is Autumn Tale, a highly popular drama back in 2000 that starred Won Bin, very famous now already. God, why are there so many leng chais in Korea wan? I could easily live there, you know?

What I can't stand, though, is how they like to scream and shout as projected in all the movies and dramas I watched, I am thinking that they are like that in real life too!

Back to Autumn Tale, I have been watching and I have been crying buckets along with the actresses and actors. It really is a very sad story about twisted fate but the tragic part hasn't even started yet!!!! *steels self*


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