Arrggh I really hate festivities. It is the time to meet the extended family, family members whom I don't meet at all if not for festivals and family gatherings. It's not that I hate them but they have all carved a niche in society for themselves and made good of life while I am still struggling in the deep side of the sea.
OK, OK call me inferior but I have to say, I don't usually suffer from inferiority complex! It's only because of the way they talk and discuss things that make me feel at a loss. We also have nothing in common. How can I talk about blogging with them, for example? I would lazy to explain from the beginning.
And then they are not someone whom I could say, "Chup! Let me snap some pictures first before you are allowed to dig in!" Hahaha I can just imagine the look on their faces. Blehhhhhh
OK, OK call me inferior but I have to say, I don't usually suffer from inferiority complex! It's only because of the way they talk and discuss things that make me feel at a loss. We also have nothing in common. How can I talk about blogging with them, for example? I would lazy to explain from the beginning.
And then they are not someone whom I could say, "Chup! Let me snap some pictures first before you are allowed to dig in!" Hahaha I can just imagine the look on their faces. Blehhhhhh
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