Johnny Depp | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, December 21, 2007

Johnny Depp

Have you heard of Johnny Depp's latest movie, Sweeney Todd, yet? It's opening tomorrow, I think. I still remember the first time I even heard of the name Johnny Depp. I was in Form One only and a group of us would be waiting every week to watch 21 Jump Street.

Last time very cham wan... need to wait for our TV stations to bring us our favourite shows and can only rely on our VCR if we are away from home as there was no internet like what we know now.

Here's what I found on YouTube where a Johnny Depp fan compiled clips from the first and second seasons of 21 Jump Street into a video. My God... look how young Johnny Depp was and a lady killer to boot. Watching the show from the beginning, one could see that Johnny Depp was the star in it and he has the X-factor and you'll just instinctively know that he will be huge one day.

This video clip brings us down memory lane. I wonder what has happened to the Chief, the guy "De Louise" or something like that and also the Vietnamese Nguyen. Boy, that was years ago.


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