My sister told me that students in the United States have so much freedom in their education that coming from a regimented schooling life, it takes a little getting used to! There is a kind of Charter School like the one sponsored by Capella University, where students will even be thought about social media via the use of wikis and blogs. How cool is that? I wish that we had that subject at school!
This Capella sponsored school called the East Range Academy of Technology and Science (ERATS) will have its focus on information technology, science and entrepreneurship, encompassing robotics and web page design, two very different subjects, if you ask me. Graduates from this school, I believe, would even be able to proceed to take up whatever university course they wish, even if it is psychology degree.
Why can’t Malaysia build this kind of school???
This Capella sponsored school called the East Range Academy of Technology and Science (ERATS) will have its focus on information technology, science and entrepreneurship, encompassing robotics and web page design, two very different subjects, if you ask me. Graduates from this school, I believe, would even be able to proceed to take up whatever university course they wish, even if it is psychology degree.
Why can’t Malaysia build this kind of school???
This post was based on information provided by Blogitive.
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