Two months ago, after being bitch slapped by the company that owns the mother of search engines, we, bloggers who have been victimized, have been running around like headless chickens looking for THE Search Engine to use because we no longer want to be associated with the regular one that we have been using daily due to unfair business practises.

Just now, I was told of not only a revolutionary search engine that sieves the internet for the best results of our searches but is also poised to replace the ranking system as we know now with their very own Color Value (CV) rating.

With the help of all internet users, especially bloggers, soon, Earth Frisk earth search will be the search engine to use due to its accuracy in delivering results and the involvement of the community by voting and commenting on sites. No longer will we be at the mercy of a single company.
Earth Frisk also offers our very own customized toolbar which we could place our icon and let our readers download and install it to their browser. This will increase traffic to our site too and the exposure from the link of our site on the toolbar. I think there is no time like now to show the big company what small time bloggers could do.

Just now, I was told of not only a revolutionary search engine that sieves the internet for the best results of our searches but is also poised to replace the ranking system as we know now with their very own Color Value (CV) rating.

With the help of all internet users, especially bloggers, soon, Earth Frisk earth search will be the search engine to use due to its accuracy in delivering results and the involvement of the community by voting and commenting on sites. No longer will we be at the mercy of a single company.
Earth Frisk also offers our very own customized toolbar which we could place our icon and let our readers download and install it to their browser. This will increase traffic to our site too and the exposure from the link of our site on the toolbar. I think there is no time like now to show the big company what small time bloggers could do.
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