Don't Get Married First | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, December 21, 2007

Don't Get Married First

I wanted to tell a friend of mine not to get married so soon. Besides the fact that he is still very young, in my books, and just started working not too long ago, I know that I am only thinking of myself and how I would not have the time to work should I go away to attend his wedding reception/dinner.

See, he is a PJ boy and already booked me to attend his wedding even though a date is not set yet and even offered to pay for my travelling expenses and accommodation, because he thinks that I could not afford it, or that I would be too stingy to afford it LOL

I feel bad if he thinks like that but in actual fact, it is because that I am bogged down with work and family responsibilities, including the well-being of my monkeys that I am unable to extricate myself from this comfort zone.

So as not to make things complicated for everyone and me in particular, I hope that he will push his wedding to a further date!!


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