Linky Love To Wayne Liew Dot Com | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, September 03, 2007

Linky Love To Wayne Liew Dot Com

Wayne Liew is one of my most loyal readers. He has just set up his own hosted blog at Wayne Liew Dot Com. I know how hard it is to start from scratch. I've done it before and will be doing it again. I just bought a new domain name a couple of hours ago so, it will be another round of pain in the a$$.

I don't know how Wayne came upon my blog, but I am surprised that he is so young and yet so articulate, PLUS, he turned his back on a Page Rank 5 blog to set up Wayne Liew Dot Com. It sure takes a very brave man to do that!

Wayne is aiming for a Page Rank 5 in the upcoming Google Page Rank and I am going to give him a little vote on my blog. I am not even sure if I can reach Page Rank Four. My friend told me that Google Page Rank is so unpredictable, it is better not to even think of it.

I am trying, boy am I trying really hard!


Anonymous said...

Thanks. We'll attack Google Page Rank together! Thanks for your link love!

Em said...


I dare not attack but I wish you all the best!

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