Document Scanning Service For My Company | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Document Scanning Service For My Company

Some time back, my company decided to go paperless. You know, when this happened, I sort of pitied the older staff that are not as computer literate. They had a hard time adapting and many older people find it hard to check the necessary documents on the computer. Well, company policy is company policy. They don't even allow us to simply print out emails anymore, to save paper and to protect the environment.

My company hired a Document Scanning Service to scan all the documents into digital files, file them accordingly, store them to hard disks and then destroy all the hard copy documents and take them for recycling. It was all very environmental friendly.

This Document Scanning Service that we engaged were very professional with the task and of the highest integrity. We had some rather sensitive information on file and those too were converted into digital files without compromising on their confidentiality.

The old hard copies were also shredded properly and the same goes for any copies of documents that we printed out from our digital files. By doing so, our company saved a lot of money that was previously spent just filing and storing these paper documents. While we had special cabinets for the really important files, we now just encrypt them on the computer to be accessed by certain approved personnel only.

Our management says that the decision to go paperless has been one of the best in recent years.


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