The Awesome Threesome Meme | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Awesome Threesome Meme

I came across this Awesome Threesome meme from Wayne Liew Dot Com. Although Wayne did not tag me, I stole it for my blog. I love to do memes that do not reveal the real me and this one is interesting and easy enough to do without taking up too much time.

After completing the tag, I’m supposed to tag three other people but I will not be doing that, so if you would like to do it, JUST DO IT lah!

Anyway, here’s my answers to the tag!

Three things that scare me
1. Losing my senses like eyesight, hearing, etc.
2. Death
3. Love

Three people who make me laugh
1. Friends who can tell great jokes and I should probably state three names but I don't think that they will appreciate it.

Three things I love
1. Money
2. My pets
3. Good health

Three things I hate
1. Jealousy
2. Injustice
3. Mistreatment of people and/or animals

Three things I don’t understand
1. How can two people love each other so much that they want to live together forever?
2. How some people can be gays/lesbians or bisexuals?
3. How female porn actress can love their job and not feel used?

Three things on my desk
1. A bottle of water
2. My Nokia E61i
3. Pieces of paper and pens

Three things I am doing right now
1. Typing out this entry
2. Thinking what to blog about next
3. Waiting for opps to drop

Three things I want to do before I die
1. Make money without working
2. Go on a real vacation
3. Have awesome sex

Three things I can do
1. Blog
2. Drive people crazy with my incessant questions
3. Be more charitable

Three things I can’t do
1. Be away from my monkeys for long hours
2. Spend lavishly
3. Stop working

Three things I think you should listen to
1. Bon Jovi!
2. Your mother
3. The birds chirping outside

Three things you should never listen to
1. Gossip
2. Country music
3. Ill advice

Three shows I watched as a kid
1. Pink Panther
2. Alvin and the Chipmunks
3. WWF


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