Asswin Khanna | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, August 27, 2007

Asswin Khanna

I feel sorry for those people who had their hopes so high thinking that they could really win the $2500 offered by this guy, currently most wanted on the blogosphere, in a recent linking contest. Many had entered in good faith, many questioned his honesty and Phil from Contest Blogger even bet that Asswin is full of crap and if Asswin really did pay out $2500, Phil would make a post saying that Contest Blogger IS full of crap instead.

I think Asswin is so stupid. You know, what good would it do if he has his Technorati authority and Google Page Rank boosted if enough people complain to these two companies and then his domain name is banned forever and taken off the index? What good is a blacklisted domain name, then? I don't know. All I can think of is that this guy is too young and immature to think of the consequences.

If you remember, I also participated in it. To me, it was an opportunity to post an interim post. Content and idea. Just come up with an additional 100 words and bingo! An interim! Life moves on after that because I don't expect to win it even if it's a genuine contest.

If you have been had, don't worry, you had free link backs too and Asswin's gonna get his just deserts sooner or later!


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