New Smorty Member | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

New Smorty Member

I have joined another blog for pay company which allows companies to advertise on blogs. This company is called Smorty and like other similar services, I will get paid to blog about anything I like. Blog advertising is a rather new phenomenon and if you do not know it yet, it is simply great to get paid for blogging.

Advertsers will, through Smorty, pay bloggers like me to create buzzes of their products, services or websites and provide backlinks to their websites to enhance their search engine marketing.

I know there are still people who dislike people like me who blog for money but I do not think it is wrong to be compensated for blogging about things like I already am talking about normally.

Smorty has a great payment system where we do not even have to wait for thirty days to be paid. If you are not a Smorty member yet, why not check it out? You have nothing to lose but all to gain.


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