It's Not User Problem, OK? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It's Not User Problem, OK?

So I bought a smart phone and it should be a happy occasion since I hardly ever buy anything but I wrote before that a high percentage of electronic consumes need to get back to the support centre with various complaints before the item is deemed usable.

Remember the problem I had with my all-in-one printer a couple of months ago? I could only use it after much trouble and formatting of the computer.

Damn sien.

This time, with my phone, I notice the bottom of my screen flashing each time I am typing an SMS text or notes and it is damn irritating. Also the speaker was bad. I took it to the Nokia care centre and they said they changed my speaker and upgraded my firmware but has no answer for the flash problem.

So OK I thought at least one problem is solved but no, I just tried talking on the phone but the problem of the charge sound persisted.

Ughhh I don't know if it is Celcom problem. I did try using the SIM card on my old phone and it was clear! I used a Maxis SIM card on my new phone and it was rather clear too but I was not on the phone long enough to really tell for sure.

Why am I so bad luck wan? :(


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