New Item To Buy | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, April 05, 2007

New Item To Buy

Last night I was chatting with my friend about looking for a printer all-in-one this PC Fair. He told me to look out for a DVD-RW as well so that I can burn off my dramas and movies into DVDs. I too think it's a good idea.

So I consulted my technical sifu and he told me that those cheapo writers will only last 13 - 15 months. AIYAKKK so fast rosak even for low usage meh? He told me that he has one that rosak-ed even without using!!! OMG!

My sifu said to get something better like HP, Yamaha or Plextor which will be around MYR400. Wah, that is double my budget already.

I was thinking of getting a normal one like LG, Lite-On or Imation, which is MYR150 max!!!!!

Then I also consulted my sifu about the printer all-in-one. He told me to get a laser printer and stay off ink printers as the printer may be cheap but the ink is very expensive compared to laser printer's tube of powder.

Aiyayayaya! I hate decisions, decisions, decisions. What shall I get now????


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