Bladder Stone Surgery | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Bladder Stone Surgery

Well, it was finally done. At first, we thought we'd only do it later when my monkey is a little fitter but one morning, he could hardly piss, so then we gave the vet a call for an emergency surgery, but he already had another surgery scheduled. We had to wait for the next morning.

The vet had already told us that the next 24 hours following his inability to release his urine is very crucial and any delay could damage his kidneys. Luckily my monkey could at least bring out a few droplets each time he tries.

The next morning, we prepared ourselves and took the little monkey in. He was reluctant to get into the car as if he already knew what was in store for him. Anyway, our appointment was 10am but by the time we reached the clinic, it was already almost 11am.

After running blood tests and checking his weight, it was time to sedate him for the surgery. It didn't even take more than a count to ten for him to be unconscious. The surgery itself took two hours and another half another was for dental scaling which I asked to me done.

By the time he was out of the operating theater, it was almost 3pm. What a long wait it was. The total bill came up to RM800 for bladder stone surgery, RM150 for dental scaling and RM25 for antibiotic drops for ear infection. Total: RM975. Phew, no wonder my purse felt so light already.

So far, my monkey is doing all right. He is in a little pain, as expected, but I hope he will fully recover by next week. There is still follow up visits to the vet maybe four days later and then another visit to undo the stitches. So yeah, it was a long and tiring day but thank God the surgery went well.


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