Passion and Drive | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Passion and Drive

Yesterday, I came across the tag line: Passion to succeed overcomes your barriers. I whole-heartedly agree.

Barriers are placed around us by ourselves, by what our mind wants to believe. They are placed against us by society who will never accept anything out of convention. Society has the power to dictate and shape some one's life.

With passion, though, we can overcome these barriers and not let ourselves be the victim of what society wants us to be. We can rise above the enclosure that society has put us into.

Because of what society deems is right or wrong, we form mental walls around us and then believe that what society says is the gospel truth. Well, it is not.

Paul has always encouraged me to be what I want to be. He tells me that I can be who I want to be. Don't let others tell me differently. "Set your goals," he said, "work towards them and enjoy the ride."

If you have the passion to do something, DO IT, even if society frowns upon you. Of course, he is talking about setting goals and chasing dreams and not something illegal or a criminal offence.

Live as you want to live, work as you want to work, even if you are different, these are what make you stand apart, what makes you special, what makes you YOU.


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