One A, Two Cs, the rest ... ? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

One A, Two Cs, the rest ... ?

I didn't even know the 2006 SPM results would be released the other day until I received an SMS from a friend whose message read:

"Today is the saddest day of my life. My 2nd son
received only one A and two Cs in his SPM."
To be absolutely frank, when I was scrolling down his message up till My 2nd son, I thought that he was telling me that his son died in an accident.

So to read further about the one A and two Cs was absolutely a relieve.

He blames himself for neglecting his son. He and his wife divorced when the boy was not even five years old and although the boy and his elder brother and mother live with their maternal grandparents, the grandparents treat them as if they are tenants.

Meanwhile the mother has a new boyfriend while the father struggles with his career and paying alimony to his family.

So, this boy out of loneliness or neglect or whatever, just ate himself until like a balloon. It is a shock to see the size he has become. Some people drown their sorrow in alcohol, some in drugs and some in food.

Anyway, my friend told me that because of the sins of two adults, his son has t suffer for his entire life, due to the extremely poor SPM results.

I told him that getting results like that is not the end of the world. Or is it? find out what he likes to do and get him into a technical course where he can pick up some skills, since he is not the studying kind.

The boy is not stupid but hopefully, his poor results will jolt him out of his honeymoon and that when he has the chance to study, he will do so.


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