X-Ray or No X-Ray? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

X-Ray or No X-Ray?

If you have been following my blog, you will know that my skinny monkey isn't doing well. He has not been eating normally like he should and whatever food that I managed to make him eat will be vomited out.

He has been having difficultly in urinating, which has actually been a problem for the past couple of years but now, he is dribble urine non-stop even when he is sleeping.

I am in to minds over what I should do for him. For one, I know that he is already at his 13th year and he is not young anymore. If this is the effects of old age, I do not wish to put him through more stress than he is already facing by making him go for tests and such.

Now the vet tells me that he needs my monkey to be x-rayed before he comes up with a proper diagnosis and treatment. And he tells me that he needs to give him sedative. I wanted something less invasive but there is no such thing available.

I really don't know what I should do.


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